As a convenience to our community we have included a listing of many of the local churches in our area. A growing number of churches are starting to publish their own web sites to allow visitors to learn more about their clergy, congregation and many other features and services of the church.


Calvary Baptist Church  
999 McClelland Street Monaca PA 15061
Phone: 724 775-6538
Emmanuel Baptist Church  
1200 Virginia Avenue Monaca PA 15061
Phone: 724 728-2110
Contact: Rev. John Watson
Baptist Churches in PA  
Website: http://www.usachurch.com/pennsylvania/Baptist.htm

Search for a Baptist Church in Pennsylvania through USA Church.


Trinity Evangelical Free Church  
118 Community College Drive Monaca PA 15061
Phone: 724 728-1125

 Jehovah's Witnesses

Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Hall  
108 Spruce Street Monaca PA 15061
Phone: 724 774-8724


Southwestern PA Synod  
9625 Perry Highway Pittsburgh PA 15237
Phone: 412-367-8222
Fax: 412-369-8840
Website: http://www.southwesternpasynod.org/site/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1
Email: swpasynod@gmail.com

Search for any Lutheran Church in Southwestern PA

Lutheran Church of the Redeemer  
819 Washington Avenue Monaca PA 15061
Phone: 724 774-8960
Website: http://www.lutheranredeemerpa.com
Email: office@lutheranchurchoftheredeemer.org
Contact: Rev. Robert W. Strobel

Serving our Community through Christ

Faith & VanKirk Lutheran Churches  
100 Center Grange Road Aliquippa PA 15001
Phone: 724 775-7030
Contact: Rev. A. Patrice Weirick


Monaca United Methodist Church  
813 Indiana Avenue Monaca PA 15061
Phone: 724 775-6702
Contact: Rev. David Vaughn
Western PA Conference of Methodist Churches  
1204 Freedom Road., P.O. Box 5002 Cranberry Twp. PA 16066-0002
Phone: 1-800-886-3382
Alternate Phone: 724-776-2300
Fax: 724-776-1355
Website: http://www.wpaumc.org/index.php
Email: mark.rehn@wpaumc.org

Search for any Methodist Church in Western PA.

Monacrest Free Methodist Church  
995 Elmira Street Monaca PA 15061
Phone: 724 774-6606
Contact: Rev. Doug Rabe


Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints  
Church Street Monaca PA 15061
Phone: 724 774-1571


Church of the Nazarene  
897 Jackson Avenue Monaca PA 15061
Phone: 724 774-2195
Email: shanor@wpanet.net
Contact: Rev. William Shanor

 Nursing Home

Friendship Ridge  
246 Friendship Circle Beaver PA 15009
Phone: 724 775-7100


First Presbyterian Church of Monaca  
1301 Indiana Avenue Monaca PA 15061
Phone: 724 774-3880
Website: http://www.fpcmonaca.com/
Email: fpcmonac@verizon.net
Contact: Rev. Beth Wierman
North Branch United Presbyterian Church  
139 North Branch Road Monaca PA 15061
Phone: 724 774-0711
Website: http://Got-Hope.com
Email: nbranchpc@comcast.net
Contact: Rev. Andy Beery
Beaver-Butler Presbytery  
134 B South Main Street Zelienople PA 16063
Phone: 724-452-7515
Fax: 724-452-7522
Website: http://www.beaverbutler.org/home.htm
Email: office@beaverbutler.org

Search for any Presbyterian Church in Beaver and Butler Counties.

 Roman Catholic

St. Frances Cabrini Roman Catholic Church  
115 Trinity Drive Aliquippa PA 15001
Phone: 724 775-6363
Contact: Rev. Joseph Kleppner
Pittsburgh Diocese  
111 Blvd. of the Allies Pittsburgh PA 15222
Phone: 412.456.3000
Website: http://www.diopitt.org/parishes_beavercounty.php

Search for any Catholic Church in Beaver County.

St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church  
1409 Pennsylvania Avenue Monaca PA 15061
Phone: 724 775-3940
Contact: Rev. Fr. Michael Ruffalo

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